Archived Resources


The Advizine: A Journal of Inquiry into Academic Advising at UGA is the retired mini-journal prepared by and for academic advisors at the University of Georgia. It  wa s designed to serve the needs of professional advisors across campus. Iers.


Spring 2018

Fall 2017

Summer 2017

Spring 2017

Fall 2016


Connecting J.R.R. Tolkien to Academic Advising 

The following document connects sources from the NACADA Journal to select passages from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Learn how these passages can serve as examples of humility in guidance and a shifting of responsibility that encourages students to shape their own educational path.

Download Presentation Copy

The Long Road: Connecting J.R.R. Tolkien and Student Development
The Choice of Roads: Connecting J.R.R. Tolkien and Student Decisions


Advanced Certificate in Academic Advising Capstone Project Proposal

Once you have completed six Training and Development courses: two in Cross College Advising, two courses in Advising Theory and Practice, one Intentional Communication in Advising course, and the Leadership in Advising course, and you are captone ready,  complete proposal form.  (If you are unsure, you can verify the courses you have completed with Training and Development,


Readings from The Chronicle of Higher Education

The New Landscape for International Students

Idea Lab: Student Diversity

Leadership Insights: Racial Inclusion

Idea Lab: First-Generation Students

Idea Lab: Student Success

Idea Lab: Student Mental Health


NACADA Webinars

NACADA (National Academic Advising Association) webinars focus on topics of importance to academic advisors and advising administrators. Each month of the academic year, the Office of Academic Advising Services provides all UGA advisors an opportunity to participate in a different webinar. Webinar topics rotate, but all focus on an aspect of the professional practice of academic advising.

To receive notifications about upcoming webinars, please subscribe to the ADVISE-CONNECT Listserv by emailing, or check the events feed of this page (coming soon!).

Check out the following archived webinars: 

Trans Equity 

Advising Black Male Students

Developing Advisor Training

Retaining Academic Advisors

Build Your Advising Toolkit to Support Transfer Students

Bringing Cultural Humility to Academic Advising


Academic Advising Syllabus

In an effort to create a more streamlined academic advising experience, a subcommittee of the AACC has created an Academic Advising Syllabus. To use this resource, please click the link for each semster to open it and then choose to download it into Adobe to be able to customize the syllabus to your specific school or college.
