Discussion groups provide members the opportunity to engage with other professionals in areas such as similar unit types, academic areas, interests, or student populations. Discussion groups create a collaborative space for advisors to explore resources and discuss approaches for advancing the professional development of the wider community of advisors across campus.

Discussion groups help advisors help students!

2024-2025 Discussion Groups

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (J.E.D.I) in Advising Discussion Group

Description: To discuss resources related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion across campus and to collaborate on ways to embody these principles in advising, as well as increase them within the advising community.

Chair(s): Dr. Jessica Couch and Katherine Daley-Bailey

Meeting Location: Zoom, link to be sent out

Meeting Dates: Third Friday of every month (except for November)

  • Friday, Sept. 20th, 9-10 AM Fall Welcome!
  • Friday, Oct. 18th, 9-10 AM UGA Transfer Ambassadors!
  • Friday, Nov. 22nd, 10:30-11:30 AM Dr. Steinmann is going to share an overview of the museum, the collection and temporary exhibitions, opportunities for student curricular and co-curricular engagement, and talk about the Museum Studies program.

Please email [email protected] if you would like to be placed on the J.E.D.I Discussion Group listserv.

Advising leadership (small colleges)

Description: This discussion group provides an opportunity for advising professionals in small colleges to come together and explore issues relevant to them, which can then be brought to AACC as appropriate.

Chair: Matt Head

Meeting Location: TBD

Meeting Dates:

  • TBD

Additional Information: Please email [email protected] for Zoom link.

Advising leadership (large colleges)

Description: This discussion group provides an opportunity for advising professionals in large colleges to come together and explore issues relevant to them, which can be brought to AACC as appropriate.

Chair: Melissa Garber

Meeting Location: TBD

Meeting Dates:

  • TBD

Advising Student-Athletes

Description: This discussion group serves a collaborative effort between UGA academic advisors and UGA athletic counselors and staff as a means of providing insight and information that can be helpful in their understanding of and work with the UGA student-athlete population.

Chairs: Morgan Kent, Jill Hopkins, and Dr. Drew Craver

Meeting Location: Zoom, link to be sent out

Meeting Dates:

  • Thursday, September 12th, 9-10 AM
  • Thursday, November 21st, 9-10 AM

Additional Information: Please email [email protected] to join the monthly discussions.

Certificates, Minors, and More

Description: Advising for secondary programs that don’t require students to meet with you has some unique challenges, such as communicating effectively with the students – making sure they understand program requirements, as well as course options, availability, and timing / sequencing. Additionally, it can be difficult to track the number of students actively pursuing these programs, which leads to challenges in scheduling required courses and having enough sections and seats to meet demand. This discussion group will provide a chance to share wins and frustrations, and to help students (and ourselves) in the process.

We’ll also consider topics like connecting with potentially interested students; offering special events outside of the classroom; and recognizing students who complete your program.

Chair: Deede Walker

Meeting Location: See below

Meeting Dates:

  • Wednesday, November 29th, 3:30-4:30 PM (location: Ivester Hall, Room E007)
  • Wednesday, January 24th, 9-10AM (location: Zoom)
  • Wednesday, April 24th, 9-10 AM (location: Zoom)

Additional Information: Please email [email protected] to join the discussions.

Want to create a new discussion group? Email [email protected] to get the ball rolling!

  • What is the purpose or goal of the discussion group?
  • Who will chair the group?
  • Do you need anything from AACC or OVPI to get started?

News & Announcements

The Arch is highlighted by early morning sunlight with the UGA Historic Marker and North Campus in the background.
Resident assistant Jadin Marshall prepares for student check in at Black-Diallo-Miller Hall on residence hall move-in day.
Trees full of spring blooming flowers on North Campus with with the Chapel Bell Tower in the background.

Learn how to get advised

Are you undecided or wanting to make a major change? Learn more about the process for getting advised.

Get Advised